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International Women's Day - time to act.


Studio Samen Services 


Find out in a one hour call where your organisation can step up around inclusion issues for women. What do they need form you? How can you change this? Discover quick wins for everyday use. Our first free tip: ask the question: "What do you need?"

What do I get out of it?

Direct ways to take action in your internal and external communication to create equity for women (and otehr groups).

What does it cost?

150 euros VAT excluded

Why this call? 

There's more than enough inspiring events on the 8th of March. We can see rolemodels, best cases and celebrations. This is great, but we need action. Specifically tailored to your organisation. 


  • 90% of people in Holland who are sexually abused, are women

  • 44% of Dutch women relies on others financially 

  • 43% of pregnant people suffer discrimination in the workplace. 


It's in the daily actions and policies that we can make the most change. In our call you will learn the basics of inclusion as they are relevant for your organisation. This is applicable for more people than just women. It's time to act. 

Icon sustainable development goal 5. Gender equality
Icon Sustainable Development Goal 8 Decent work and economic growth
Icon Sustainable Development Goal 10 Reducing inequality
Icon Sustainable Development Goal Partnerships to achieve the goals
Studio Samen
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