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Organisational training Workplace Conduct

Foto van een training met trainers en een diverse groep deelnemers
Anchor 1


A person ziplining in a forest

Team outing: pushing boundaries

Training approach culture with trainers


Two people are sitting on chairs

Dealing with power


Team outing

During this fun day away from the office, your employees not only have a great time, but they also unknowingly learn the foundation for a culture of accountability. How does a boundary feel in your body, how do you communicate it, and how do you deal with it?

✓ Fun day away from the office

✓ Recognizing signs of fear in the body

✓ Learning to sense and discuss boundaries



  • Online questionnaire on fear & trust (prior to the event)

  • 3-hour treetop adventure or improvisational theater

  • Lunch/snack

  • Interactive session on boundaries based on observations by trainers during the morning

  • ​


  • A3 poster with your own formula for dealing with fear and an action photo

  • Increased emotional intelligence

Foto van persoon aan het ziplinen

Culture of accountability


Creating a culture of accountability doesn't happen in one day. For this, it's necessary that all your employees know where the boundaries are, can navigate boundaries in practice, and collectively feel responsible for them.

✓ Theory online in your own time

✓ Five times physical practice in boundary-setting

✓ Input from employees for a code of conduct



  • Intake questionnaire - online

  • What is inappropriate behavior? - online

  • Where do you draw the line? - ropes course or theater

  • Active bystandership - online + in-house session

  • Receiving feedback - online + in-house session

  • Diversity, inclusion, equality - online + in-house

  • Supplementing the code of conduct - online + in-house



  • Certificate for employees

  • Boundary Cheat Sheet with personal notes from what was learned on one A3 sheet.


Learn more>


Session: dealing with power


It's not easy to be a leader. Your power always influences interactions. How do you authentically deal with it?

✓ Beautiful location in the woods

✓ Confidentiality in what is shared

✓ Room for cases and moral dilemmas



This session doesn't have a fixed program. Depending on the issues, multiple techniques can be used: peer coaching, consultancy, constellations, guided meditation, or role-playing.



You will be mirrored and challenged to make choices based on your values and status.


We are happy to tailor this session for you. Email Evita for an offer.

MT sessie
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