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Inclusive communication path


Inclusive Brands
have the future

The Netherlands is already very diverse

2 million people with disabilities

25% have a migration background

300,000 people with a distance to the labor market

900,000 people live below the poverty line

Nearly 10% are neurodivergent


And is becoming more and more diverse

- Among Gen Z, 48% are LGBTI+

- In the Randstad, 50% have a migration background


Authentic representation turns neutral customers into real fans.


Inclusieve communicatie

The Studio Together approach

At Studio Together we believe that:



  • You cannot guarantee inclusive communication with a one-off workshop

  • A diverse audience will give your team important insights

  • Your team can come up with the best solutions for your specific situation. 


After working with Studio Samen you have designed a permanent inclusive communication process.


√ Based on insights from your desired target group

√ From existing diversity within your team

√ Ready to change with society

√ Safe learning environment in which all questions are welcome

√ Not teaching but facilitating

Included in 7 steps

1. Preparation


If you get started with the inclusive communication process, a number of things need to be arranged. We determine which team members should be present and plan the live sessions. In addition, we ask for figures, policy and input from current campaigns and previous research.



2. Kick-off session


In this interactive, action-oriented and hopeful workshop, we define together what we mean by inclusive communication. Based on the core values and strategy of the company, we arrive at definitions of diversity, inclusion and inclusive communication.



3. Focus Group 


Studio Samen collects insights about the perceived identity by means of a focus group. The focus group is carefully composed to allow the widest possible diversity of people to speak. 

inclusieve communicatie

4. DEI Heidag 


The entire team has been invited to create an inclusive communication process at Social Impact Factory Utrecht. We start with the insights from the focus group, discover where we are missing perspectives and arrive at ideas about how we can safeguard them permanently. Of course with (vegan / halal) lunch, sufficient exercise, daylight and fresh air.



5. Run process


The action plan is being implemented. Studio Samen supports with advice, network and implementation. For example: making contact with influencers, drawing up a vacancy, conducting discussions to set up a working group or compiling a test panel.



6. To measure is to know 


Studio Samen tests how the communication developed with the new process is received by a diverse target group. We use these insights for the last session.



7. Live session: review


What are the results of the process? Can anything else be adjusted? We analyze the success of the campaign as well as the equivalence and sustainability of the process. What can still be improved? Which learnings do we take with us?



Evita is happy to discuss with you whether the process fits the stage your organization is in. Schedule a call below to discuss the possibilities without obligation.





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